Up-and-budding rock bands these days are a dime a dozen, but looking to break out of this shell of obscurity and shattered dreams is a quartet of rockers out of Glasgow that go by the name of Chris Devotion & The Expectations. Their debut single “I Need Your Touch” was a catchy little track that most (who am I kidding, all) of you probably haven’t heard, but it didn’t do much to propel the band into notoriety. Looking to try again, the band has given us a charming little number called “A Modest Refusal.”
With a short and delicate introduction, the song quickly gets rolling into one of the most purely guitar-driven songs I’ve heard in a while. The song itself is evocative of a more raw and less practiced The Thermals, going so far as to capture the essence of their catchy guitar hooks and garage-rock esque riffs. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a masterpiece or anything, but it certainly elevates Chris Devotion & The Expectations into the realms that lay beyond obscurity.