The Hazey Janes
The Winter That Was
So warm and sunny are the melodies that spill forth from The Hazey Janes’ latest long-player that you wonder why this Dundee crew aren’t up there among the golden pantheon of Scottish bands who have had Big Star(s) in their eyes. Held back, no doubt, by the fact that their second album (Hands Around The City, recorded in New York in 2007) never saw the light of day due to legal issues, they’ve come back stronger, armed with some glorious three-part harmonies, tunes that ache to dip a toe in the sea off the Californian coast and an indie-pop backbone that, by comparison, is pure Caledonian. Andrew Mitchell’s voice soars to angelic heights and there’s a nice 1980s “whoosh” to Alice Marra’s synthesizer sound, which give the songs a distinctive colour and stop them slipping into those Teenage Fanclub (Girl In The Night)/The View (Carmelite) boxes they would otherwise automatically inhabit. It all sounds great live, too, which is reason enough to catch them in Edinburgh and Banchory at the end of November.
Alan Morrison
Check it oot here.