Prolific or whit!? Johny Lamb aka Thirty Pounds of Bone’s sixth installment of The Ship’s Log is available now. It seems like only the other day I was posting the Hastings addition, oh wait, it was the other day. Anyways, here is the Margate song, it’s called, ‘These People Are Brave’.
"This song is about our passage from Eastbourne to Margate via Folkestone, Dover and Ramsgate. Some dramatic moments on these sails including a knock down in ‘Satan’s Teeth’ (crewmember Dan Lane’s name for the mouth of Dover harbour). This song is very much about the strength and commitment of all the crew, having learnt to sail a fast and feisty boat in very little time and coped with what, for a novice crew has been some extremely challenging sailing on Collective Spirit with nothing but determination to get the job done and a brilliant and generous humour. Crew, i salute you all. special mentions too for the incredible events put on by both Folkstone and Margate. Amazing work by partners and community alike. Also thanks to the Smiths Court Hotel for letting me make such a racket writing and recording this song. And to Henry the Great Dane, my new best friend in Margate. And finally a further dedication to Damian and Don our guest first mates."
You can download the song for absolutely free HERE.
The Ship’s Log is written and produced by Thirty Pounds of Bone and is part of Lone Twin’s ‘The Boat Project.’ It documents the events and experiences of the boat’s maiden voyage.
The Boat Project is part of Artists Taking the Lead, a series of 12 public art commissions across the UK to celebrate the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. The Boat Project is funded by Arts Council England.