"Turns Out My Brain WAS My Other Brain" by SUPER ADVENTURE CLUB as premiered by Prog Magazine on their website. Check it. Mental good times!
Here’s what director, Michael MacLennan had to say about the making of the video.
"Super Adventure Club have been one of my favourite Scottish bands, so when I was lucky enough to work with them on the video I wanted to make sure to create something that would match their unhinged, tightly honed insanity.
The idea of brainwashing seemed to fit the song, and I liked the idea of subtly referencing the infamous scene from A Clockwork Orange, with nods to Lost and 70s slasher movies. With the drummer Waz off on studies halfway around the word it fitted in perfectly to have him the focus of the video that Bruce and Mandy are forced to watch, and anybody who has seen the band live will know how brilliant and indispensable B was as their deranged, horse-mask-adorned dancer, so it also felt like a great idea to have him as the kidnapper. It was a complicated shoot (with more than 180 shots), and an even more complicated edit, but it felt like a necessity to match the complexity of the song, and it was a joy to work with everyone in the band and label from start to finish.” —-Michael MacLennan.
And here’s what sticksman, Neil Warrack, has been saying about the new album and the demise of SAC.
"Whereas recording the first album was, for me, an explosive and somewhat out of control experience; and the second album seemed like a collection of the work we had done over a long period of time, between tours and whilst we were having all sorts of ideas about where we could take the band; this album, in contrast, seemed a wholly organic affair. We had rekindled our love of just writing the music we wanted to write. We stopped trying to play all the "good" gigs and just concentrated on having a bit of fun, and not worrying about where it was all ‘going’. We played the gigs we wanted to do and wrote the songs we wanted to. If we couldn’t rehearse one week we didn’t get our knickers in a twist, we just kept plugging away over a long period of time, then, all of a sudden, we had an album in our hands and it was exactly what we wanted; an album that sounded like Super Adventure Club, warts and all, as we do now. It’s a completely honest album, despite the fact it may look like complete tomfoolery to the untrained eye."
"Also we went into the studio at just the right time. Which I think is about two to five rehearsals prior to what you think would be the perfect time to go into the studio; it gave us the freedom to continue to mess around with everything, from lyrics, to sounds, to song structures - everything is open to debate. It would never work trying to record our music ‘the way it’s supposed to sound’ - because it changed form from gig to gig anyway. Listening back to it is like hearing someone else play our music - I can’t remember what was going through my head when I played some of the stuff on the album, I probably wouldn’t do it again, but it’s definitely us, honestly."
You can get your mits on the new album “Straight From The Dick” right HERE.